Monday 6 April 2020

Paris:City of love

Paris:"City of Love"

Paris is not the only city of love but also the city of romance.I love it because of its beautiful architecture and fascinating history.If you are happy to skim the surface,you can enjoy the wonderful food, lovely parks,fantastic night life and incredible shopping.If you are interested in architecture, Paris has centuries worth of fascinating buildings-Think of the Louvre museum, which was once a royal place.Paris is very famous for its cafe culture,the Eiffel Tower .The national dish of paris is Pot-au-feu.

Paris is also famous for Notre Dame ,Palais du Louvre, Arc de Triomphe ,Seine River,Paris fashion,French foods,French wine  Cafe life,Catacombs,Marie Antoinette and many more things.

When it comes visiting Paris there are an abundance of reasons to get yourself in the most romantic as well as beautiful city in the world.Its a very great place as it is full of culture and entertainment. The least but not the last ,One should visit Paris and enjoy its beautiful culture.

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